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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my account saying it's "inactive"?

In order for your account to be active, you must select a package to activate it. After creating an account, click the inactive button to purchase a package. To upgrade your package, click the active button to select a different package.

Is it safe to use Forget Me Nots to send and receive monetary gifts?

Forget Me Nots has extra security built into our website and App. We have email authentication for verification of those entering our site.

Any funding is secured by Stipe credit card processing. One of the largest online credit card processing companies in the USA.

How do I add a link to Forget Me Nots on my wedding or event website?

Create your wedding account.

Receive your unique code in profile under display QR code tab.

Share to your wedding website in a tab called "Send us a wedding card"

Send an insert in your wedding invitation letting people know you are using our service to receive more cards and monetary gifts.

How do I reset my password?

To reset your account password, 

1) Click the "Forgot Password" link in the login screen.

2) Enter the email address to which you need to reset the password and click the "Reset" button.

3) A verification code will be sent to the email address if the email is already registered with the application. You can use the resend button if in case no code is received in the given email.

4) Enter the verification code and click "Submit." Once the code is validated, a new screen will appear where you can enter your new password.

How do I edit my profile?

To edit your profile,

1) Login to your profile with your email and password.

2) Choose the "Profile" menu.

3) Update your profile and click the "Update" button.